Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anyore.

Today was interesting...

Recently got the new PS3, yay what a nerd I am ;) Managed to hook it up top the internet where I played and had great fun...

Thing is though, sitting there in the convenience of my own home, killing people from all over the world (AND you get to taunt them by using a headset (headphone+mic)), it sort of struck me; the things we do for global peace! If we don't kill each other in real life, why not just simulate it instead!

I'm not saying I dislike it, I think it's great fun to empty the entire magazine of an assault rifle in to a 14 year old kid's (I dare say that's the average age of the video game players) head or to blow a dead persons body to kingdom come with a rocket launcher or why not fry them alive with a flame thrower. Give me a weapon and the world's my oyster!

After having flogged more people than I care to remember and eventually forced myself to stop(I'm already thinking of ways to avenge my countless deaths) the day took a turn for the better! Although I did know it was coming...

Anyway, in the evening I was invited to a movie screening...
That was an interesting experience, couldn't give a toss about the movie. But the people! There was every kind of movie buff stereotype there. Sure, I admit, I am one too, but these guys would put anyone considering themselves one to shame!! I'm talking knitted sweatshirts, turtle necks, berets, the whole damn kit and kaboodle!

And hey presto! That's all for today...

Coming up tomorow, 'same same, but different'!

Mama always say life was like a box of chocolates...

So, winter is coming, they say. Sure is getting darker and colder... But it's still bloody MARCH!!
Fer crying out loud!
Guess I have to believe what I'm told and continue on with my life be more 'wintrish' for the next 6 months or what not (for those who don't trigger, living in Australia comes with the little catch that EVERYTHING is upside down. Summer is winter, day is night and the water IS going the opposite direction in the sink or when flushing and we drive on what most Europeans and Americans would call the wrong side of the road and the cars are all mirrored...
I do like it here you know, otherwise I wouldn't still be here after almost 5 years!
Do you ever get that feeling that you are just waiting for something to happen?? Like something big, muy grande!? No? Well I constantly do.. Maybe it's just me being very restless and need stimuli or, wait, that makes me sound weird...
But I do feel like I'm just wasting my potential, maybe I was meant for something bigger... Like a superhero or something. Why don't we have real superheroes? That would be neat...Guys running around in tight spandex or what not trying to save the world whilst trying NOT to look really gay ;)

Houston, we have a problem...

How are you? I'm all good...

First things first... I'm going to wrtite this blog in English though I'm Swedish, since I live in Australia and don't want to limit my readers to Swedes (sorry guys!)...
Being the first blog ever made by me I'm just going write a few words...
I think that should do it...

See you later!
