Thursday, May 17, 2007

"And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?"

Hey hey hey,

Do I have news or do I have news... Well, I got my watch, I really like it... It doesn't do all the neat things from the movie but then again, I didn't think we'd clone dinosaurs after watching Jurassic Park either (if you get the paralell I'm drawing)...

Changing jobs soon too, not that I will list what I did before and I wont reveal what I'm doing next, I'm sure people appreciate that a little privacy is never wrong. But anyway, new job soon which I'm greatly looking forward to... Onwards and upwards so to say!!

I'm going to try to keep the blogs shorter and more frequent than before now.. I love writing but I also suffer from procrastinatus severus so I'll sort of write when I feel like, if I feel like it or maybe just not at all...

For those who know me, I wont write anything about the events from two weeks ago, I appreciate the support you give me personally so I'm not going to open up here out of respect to involved people and myself...

Anyway, I'm just about to open a very nice bottle of red, so if you won't mind...

...catch ya later!!!