Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm still alive...

Wow... I mean, really! WOW!! Last date of entry? Late August?? I'm not sure if I should be happy for having better things to do than to blog here or to hit my head in to a wall for not having that small amount of time to spare to write here.

Regardless, it's good to be back...

I have done so much crazy stuff (actually not) I don't know where to begin.
Since August/September last year following has happened:


- My fishes died, had them for years, poor buggers.
- Realised too many times I'm getting older (basically through excessive drinking sessions that doesn't last as long as they used to)
- Gained a whole bunch of new friends
- Went to the beautiful country of Vanuatu

That's probably it... The last six months of my life just flew by, which freaks me out again (making me realise that I'm getting older *D'oh*).

I've decided to take a new direction with this blog... Instead of being an all observing, neutral venting point, I want to reflect myself in what I write. Basically less outside material and more of me if it makes any sense.

But of course, I do love taking pot shots at anything so there'll be plenty of that still!

I remember early on in my blogging days that I mentioned the Easter chocolate bunnies and co., well, it's that time of the year again... Apparently... *Sigh* Looking at my calendar it's not for several weeks, but if you ask the shops that's pretty damn soon considering they are already flogging the chocolates like it's the bloody doomsday lurking on the horizon... Spare me please...

Well, like Mr T says... enough jibber jabber...

So long!